Forlix TempBanFix (2009/07)
This addon for SourceMod (made for CS:S, but should work with other mods)
fixes the Source-Servers bug where some temporary (time) bans do not get automatically deleted from the filter list on expiration, and the players
remain banned indefinitely (until the server restarts). It does so by taking over all temporary bans, leaving only the permanent bans in the
servers filter list. Any newly added temporary ban by Steam-ID (which can be entered in any way, or by any plugin)
will be removed from the servers list and handled by this plugin. It will make sure the player is allowed into the server once the ban has expired.
To list all temporary bans in place on the server type "listidt". Typing "listid" lists permanent bans only.

Response to the listid command
Detailed features:
- Direct drop-in fix, works smoothly with the server - you almost wont notice it
- Reads in bans using the server_addban event, therefore should work with almost any plugin
- Type "listidt" to list all temporary bans - this behaves similar to the standard listid command
- Unbanning works the usual way, using the standard removeid command, or through any plugin that uses the servers default filter list,
Mani's ma_unban to name just one
- As long as the temporary ban is in place, the banned player will be notified about the remaining ban time on each connection attempt
- All time displays (to players and in the listid response) are formatted dynamically in minutes, hours+minutes,
or days+hours, depending on the time length
- Bans are stored to file, so server shutdowns and crashes will not cause them to be removed early
Changes in v1.05: (2009/07)
Changes in v1.12: (2010/05)
- Bans now stored to file, so server shutdowns / crashes will not cause them to be removed early
- Now only stores core part of SteamID (without "STEAM_0:" prefix) for better performance
Changes in v1.13: (2011/04)
- Added RCON support - Use listidt to list all temporary bans
Configuration ConVars:
- Version tracking (don't modify this)
Servers running this plugin (